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Courchevel Snow Report: 16th February 2012

A little snow but poor visibility

featured in Snow report Author Alan Furniss, Updated

First of all apologies for the photos today but to be honest it’s hard to take a ‘WOW’ picture in a whiteout and that’s roughly what we’ve had for the past two days. The snow has been very gently trickling down since Wednesday morning with accompanying clouds at all levels. Visibility has been poor at times as the clouds swirled around and I suppose we’ve had a meagre 4 inches of snow in total. Not exactly a dump but certainly a welcome refresh which has made everywhere pristine white and taken the edge off the harder pistes.

The really good news is that the temperature had risen to a very nice -3°c when we left the chalet this morning. The -20s of the past week seem to have gone now and skiing has become less of an assault course (even though ‘seeing where you’re going’ has become a new challenge).

La Boulotte in 1650 has reopened - unfortunately.

France Meteo excelled themselves today with a forecast of sun all day (it snowed all day and visibility was around 10 metres at times) and they’re repeating that forecast for tomorrow. It certainly seems, however, that we are now past the seriously cold weather of early February and if you’re driving out this weekend, I don’t see any major problems. Saturday 18th is the start of the Paris holidays, however, so you will need to work at it to avoid queues on the lifts and in restaurants, so I’ll repeat ‘Get on the first lift; ski till noon; eat in your restaurant of choice, having made a booking; get back out on the piste at 1pm when all the French are eating and half term will not be too stressfull.’

Snow conditions are as good as it gets. Back Sunday with an update…


Snow Report
  • Alt. Resort: 1850m

  • Alt. Summit: 2738m

  • High Temp.: -1

  • Alt. High Temp.: 1850m